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jebao SDW 9 wave makers with controller


Jebao SDW-9 — a current pump for marine and reef aquariums with a wave controller. The current is close to natural.
It is attached with a magnetic holder. The clip-holder allows you to rotate the pump 360 degrees.
With the controller, you can set 8 speed modes and 4 wave programs, as well as turn off the pump during feeding for 10 minutes.

Technical parameters

Power 23 W, capacity 9000 l/h, for aquariums up to 100 cm, dimensions: 64×63 mm.


Pump, controller, power supply, instructions. Cardboard packaging.

Additional characteristics

Weight and size in packaging: 19×15×8 cm, 790 g

How to buy

The Jebao SDW-9 flow pump with controller and other products in the category ” Mixing pumps ” are available for purchase in the Aquatoria online store at a low price. You can buy them from us with delivery in Moscow and the near Moscow region. Sales to other regions of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan are carried out with shipment by transport companies. Pick up at the salon-store: Moscow, Nizhegorodskaya, 56A (after ordering, we will confirm the availability of the goods). Payment options for the order: cash or card in the store, cash upon delivery in Moscow, card online (we will send a link for payment after confirming availability), cashless payment by invoice.


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